We follow the standard Calvary Chapel Association method of teaching the Bible, which is verse by verse and chapter by chapter. Calvary Chapel of Spring Creek is rooted in Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa founded by Pastor Chuck Smith. Our pastor John Sutherland believes in teaching us the truth alone, straight from the Word of God.

Most of our teachings are delivered by our Senior Pastor, John Sutherland. We also feature special services with the brilliant and esteemed scientist and author Dr. Thomas Kindell from the Institute of Creation Research. Other teachings are given by Assistant Pastors Josh Carson and Tony Pruessing.

All of our teachings can be found below or by visiting our YouTube channel by clicking HERE.


Sunday Service – 9:00am and 11:00am (Childcare Provided)

1 PETER: Ch 1:1-6 | Ch 1:6-12 |

JAMES: Ch 1 | Ch 2:1-13 | Ch 2:14-26 | Ch 3:1-12 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 |

HEBREWS: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10 | Ch 10: 19-39 | Ch 11: 1-19 | Ch 12-17 | Ch 13 |


REVELATIONS: Ch 1:1-3:22 |

TITUS: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 |

2 TIMOTHY: Ch 1 | Ch 2:1-26 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 |

1 TIMOTHY: Ch 1:1-20  |  Ch 2  |  Ch 3:8-16  | Ch 4:1-11 | Ch 5 | Ch 6

2 THESSALONIANS: Ch 1:1-12  | Ch 2:1-17Ch 3

1 THESSALONIANS: Ch 1Ch 2Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch5:1-11 | Ch5:12-28

COLOSSIANS: Ch 1:1-14 | Ch 1:15-29Ch 2:1-10 | Ch 2:11-23 | Ch 3:1-11 | Ch 3:12-25Ch 4

PHILIPPIANS: Ch 1:1-18Ch 1:19-30 | Ch 2:12-30 | Ch 3:1-11Ch 3:12-21Ch 4

EPHESIANS: Ch 1:1-14 Ch 1:15-23Ch 2:1-10 | Ch 2:11-22Ch 3:1-13 Ch 3:13-4:6Ch 4:7-14Ch 4:15-32Ch 5:1-14 | Ch 5:15-33Ch 6:1-9Ch 6:10-24


Wednesday Worship & Bible Study – 7:00pm


Mondays beginning September 18th!


Thursday Classic Discipleship – 6:00pm – 8:00pm